These last ~4 months have been long. Mostly a good long, but long nonetheless.

As I’d mentioned before, I ended up getting very involved in the state legislation session this year in regards to housing policy. But it was absolutely worth it, and one bill we helped write got passed, which felt incredible.

I also got invited to the bill signings for the Covenant Homeownership Account bill (aka Black homeownership) and well as the Middle Housing (<= scroll to the last photo and see if you can find me; being short can have its perks) signing that happened with a number of other housing bills.

It was for sure the year of housing, and while I could definitely use a nap, I am so dang proud of my state. And I have a new appreciation for our legislators who pour themselves out to make change in a good way.

Ps – today is my dad’s birthday! (👆 that guy standing on the other side of Governor Inslee with me). Happy birthday, Dad! I’m so glad we get to do big important stuff together.

Friday’s Frugal Five

1. One of my work pants ripped a seam, but they were otherwise in fine shape, so my grandmother repaired them for me. This is one of the many things on my list of “somedays” to get better at, but my sewing is as of yet not up to the task.

As I somehow continue on my clothes buying ban – more than six (!!) years now – repairing clothing feels more important than ever. Now to find the time to get good at it myself. In the meantime, thanks grandma! It really appreciate it.

2. Saturday was an overcast but mostly dry day, and two friends and I went for a hike at Cherry Creek Falls. Somehow we managed to go off the main trail and turned it into six miles and almost a thousand feet of elevation gain.

We talked quite a bit about “forest bathing” and how much our souls are filled by time spent out in the woods. Every time I go for a good hike, I tell myself I need to go on more of them. Good for the soul, and good for the wallet, considering it takes no special clothing or gear, just some sturdy shoes and a way to get to the trailhead.

3. Not quite a “frugal five” perhaps, but the kiddo found a fourth four leaf clover this spring. Yes, four in the last few months, whereas I have never found a single one.

He’s now been telling me certain good things are the luck from his four leaf clovers, so perhaps there’s some money saving involved there?

(Update: he found TWO more today. 🤯)

4. The batteries and starter in the husband’s truck were old and worn, and he ended up replacing them one evening. The batteries themselves weren’t cheap (he drives a 1990s Ford F-250 full of work tools), but it was a lot cheaper than taking it in to a mechanic.

While he isn’t able to do all the work on his vehicle (and mine), we definitely pay quite a bit less in vehicle maintenance because of the work he can do. I am always in awe of how easily mechanic and hands on work comes to him, because that is an area that very much does not come easily to me.

5. Thanks to a slightly less busy schedule, I was able to bike to work on Wednesday! I dropped the kiddo at our carpool family’s house on the hike and then headed to the office. Once again, I am reminded that my original e-bike couldn’t do that any more as he’s outgrown the trailer, and the high purchase price feels worth it.

Thursday night I did ride my OG bike though, to the evening’s Planning Commission meeting since it doesn’t start until after dinner. I can’t ever go to sleep right after a meeting anyway, so taking a little bit longer to get home after isn’t a downside either.

Quick final note: it is currently 86°F (!!!) right now on Friday afternoon, with temperatures looking to be in the 80s for a week or more. The average high in this area in May is about 20°+ cooler than that so it’s….. just a bit warm.

For those experiencing warmer than normal temperatures, stay safe. Even what sounds like not terrible for some areas, if your space isn’t equipped for it, even comparatively brutal temperatures can be pretty brutal.

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