I’ve been throwing this idea around in my head for a while now, but I am now starting a Women’s Personal Finance Wednesday roundup series. There are plenty of bloggers who put out roundups of their favorite posts from the previous week, and I find that I’ve gotten to read some great new blogs I would never have stumbled upon otherwise, and got around to reading posts from bloggers that I might have otherwise missed.

Since writing my Women of Financial Independence post back in January, I’ve somehow found myself in the middle of this amplification of women’s voices in the personal finance sphere. Our Facebook group is now over 1,800 members and there are posts and comments weekly that remind me why it is so important that we have our own space, to ask questions, to give advice, and generally feel like we fully belong.

To continue this amplification of female voices, I’ll be sharing my favorite posts of the week here on Wednesdays. Maybe I’m a little nuts for adding a third day of content to this blog, but there is just too much great work out there not to share, so here’s to week one.

Women’s Personal Finance Wednesdays – Week 1

1. Why I’m Glad I Got A Worthless Liberal Arts Degree Luxe Strategist

I struggle with the new conversation that seems to generally agree that we need a “new” system for college. I agree that there’s a lot that needs to be fixed both with college and tuition costs, but there is SO much value in spending those years at school that can’t be replaced. I’ll let Luxe take it from here, because she said it beautifully.

2. Why I Want Fat FIRE, and It’s Not for the Reason You Might Think Gen Y Money

We’re pretty far off from financial independence (I expect 10+ years), and likely more until we want to throw in the towel with our careers, so I haven’t worried too much about our “number” or what happens after we retire, because it’s such a nebulous idea for us yet. When I do think about it though, I’d have to give it to Gen Y Money for nailing this thought and she is probably spot on about why it’s important that so many bloggers make some income after pulling the FIRE trigger. 

3. The False, Persistent Myth About FIRE and Tech Bros Our Next Life

If you’ve been reading my blog for any amount of time, you’re probably quite aware that there are plenty of people in the financial independence, retire early space who aren’t in tech, and plenty others – obviously – aren’t guys. That matters, and it matters a whole lot. Tanja’s take on this is thoughtful, real, and absolutely worth the read.  

I hope you enjoy the posts this week as much as I did. I read a ton of content and it was hard to narrow down my favorites. I’m looking forward to sharing some new ones with you again next week!

As always, if you’re looking for a categorized list of self identified women writing and speaking about personal finance, here is my comprehensive guide to the Women of the Finance Independence Community.

46 thoughts on “Women’s Personal Finance Wednesdays: Week 1 Roundup

  1. Hey Angela! Love the idea you’ve got here and I’ll absolutely be checking out the articles you share each week! I just wrote a post of the people who have influenced me the most in 2018 and let’s just say they all shared a similar resemblance 🙂 Not bad, but not good either. One of my goals for now and into 2019 is to take in some different perspectives.

    1. Thank you! Glad to hear that you’re paying attention to your list, even if it isn’t as diverse as you’d like it to be on first blush. Can’t get better without taking stake of the current state of things.

  2. Love the idea Angela. Since you anyway read so MANY posts and leave such thoughtful comments too I am sure it will not be too much of a stretch for you. In the bargain, a lot of us get to see the best picks from female bloggers. I see that as a win win 🙂

    1. Yeah, now I just have to keep track and curate them each week 😉 Feels like it will be worth it though!

  3. Thanks so much for the mention! I too have thought of doing weekly roundups, but I gotta be real–I can’t even get two posts down per week…

    1. SO good. Really, a must read for everyone in the FIRE community (and even outside of it).

  4. I love it. Three giants in the personal finance space, regardless of gender. I’m prepared to vehemently oppose LS’s view on higher education because I loathe the college-industrial complex. But I admire LS so much, I’ll have to approach her post with an open mind. Thanks for the reading assignments, Angela. Peace.

  5. I’m so happy you’re doing this! I’ve been struggling to keep up with reading blogs lately so I know this will be a great place to start and ensure I don’t miss any gems from my favourite ladies.

    1. Perfect!! Now to make sure each week has some awesome reads. Which shouldn’t be hard to do because there is so much awesome content produced 🙂

  6. Oh my gosh thanks so much Angela! Thanks for the mention. I like that your weekly round up is on a Wednesday, it gives us all a little something to get over hump day!

  7. Great resource I’m glad to hear you’re starting. There are so many blogs out there I wouldn’t have found without more established bloggers vouching for and providing awareness. Looking forward to seeing what you’re reading in the FIRE community from female authors.

    1. Thank you!! Glad you will be following along – best place to start to be a good ally is to read them 🙂

  8. Great idea, thank you! Really resonated with Our Next Life’s The False Persistent Myth of FIRE & Tech Bros – I’m not male, white or tech savvy at all, and not young either! Looking forward to more female voices

    1. Her post was spot on. I feel like I’m going to be pointing people to it for a loooong time. I hear you on not tech savvy at all 😅

  9. For many women, putting a personal income management plan into place is an arduous chore, and so it often goes undone and finances are left to chance rather than to plan. However, there are great paybacks to spending a little time allocating where your income goes, and simply making sure that you spend less than you earn so that you can invest your savings into appreciating assets.

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