Welcome to another week of the Women’s Personal Finance Wednesdays roundup. I started this series after months of debate because I wasn’t certain I wanted to up the ante and commit to publishing three posts a week. However, now that I’ve started sharing these posts, I’m so glad I started.

There are so many fabulous women writing about personal finance online, and yet there is still a perception that women aren’t good with money, don’t care about money, or don’t understand it on a granular level beyond perhaps knowing how to coupon and score a good shopping deal. These roundups are my way of doing a small part to change that perception. There are no shortage of women online doing their part to make it clear that they DO understand money, and these posts are meant to amplify that fact.

The hardest part of this post every week always is narrowing it down to my favorites, because there is just so much good content out there. If you’re ever interested in what else I’m reading, I share quite a few other posts on Twitter (and that’s also where I read most of the content to begin with these days).

Our Women’s Personal Finance Facebook group also has a sharing thread on Fridays, and that’s the place to read all the blog posts written by members over the previous week. If you’re looking for more articles written by women, that’s a great place to continue reading (plus we have plenty of great discussions on finances the rest of the week as well!).

If you don’t have the time or inclination to go searching down myriad posts, though, I will be continuing this series every week to showcase some of the best of the new content I read. If you ever read a post you think I absolutely need to consider for this roundup, please let me know! I am always open to reading new blogs (and posts of blogs I do know, because I miss some).

Women’s Personal Finance Wednesdays – Week 67

1. 2020: A Lakota families update and focus on charitable giving A Gai Shan Life

I haven’t yet published my 2020 Goals blog post, but this one from Revanche fits in perfectly with one of the goals I’ve outlined for the year. That is, make more intentional and meaningful gifts of my money beyond simply donating it to a bunch of different causes. I’ve spent the last couple of years growing my giving muscle, so now it’s time to focus that growth.

With this post, Revanche outlines two specific causes that are dear to her heart. By focusing on these two places, she can have a much more significant impact than if that same amount of money was spread among thirty causes. I’ve sent money through her efforts in the past, and will continue to do so, but above all, I plan to use her example for creating my own giving plan for this year.

2. The True Cost of Going Back to Work for SAHMs (and Dads too!) Money In Your Tea

This is probably the best and most comprehensive post I’ve seen in regards to the cost of going back to work as a parent after you’ve stayed at home for a significant amount of time. There is so much more involved than just childcare, and this sheds light on some of the reasons people continue to stay home even once their kids start school.

I’d love to see the flip side of this post written out in as much detail – the cost of NOT going back to work. Both options are costly, for different reasons. Basically, most decisions get complicated once kids are thrown into the mix.

3. Capsule Wardrobe Experiment: Why I Wore The Same Outfit Every Day For a Week I Like To Dabble

You don’t need 20 work power outfits to look like the career slaying bitch that you are. You only need 1 or 2. Because no one will probably notice the rotation of the other 19.

Thanks to my ongoing clothes buying ban, I’m a sucker for posts like this that flip the script in terms of how we perceive our need for clothes and a big variety of them. In writing this, I tried to think back and remember what my coworkers wore today with absolutely no luck. I do have mild aphantasia though, so maybe I’m not an great example of this.

Regardless, I am a big believer that most people really don’t think of us that often. It’s really freeing to realize that your biggest scrutinizer is you.

So tell me, can you remember what your coworkers wore yesterday?

I  hope you enjoy the posts this week as much as I did. I read a ton of content and it was hard to narrow down my favorites. I’m looking forward to sharing some new ones with you again next week!

As always, if you’re looking for a categorized list of self identified women writing and speaking about personal finance, here is my comprehensive guide to the Women of the Financial Independence Community.

Featured this week? I’m so glad to showcase your work! Grab a badge for your site! 

12 thoughts on “Women’s Personal Finance Wednesdays: Week 67 Roundup

  1. Thanks for including me with these other awesome women writers. You’re absolutely right, there are incredibly high costs to NOT going back to work. Years of lost income, and the lost opportunity for raises and promotions. It can be incredibly hard to get back into your own field after a long break, as I have experienced myself. It’s also important to acknowledge that not everyone has a choice about whether or when to go back to work.

  2. Thanks as always for the roundup, Angela. I’ve been thinking a lot how I’m going to handle donations htis year. Further, I learned a new term – aphantasia. I’ve never heard of that before and as a highly visual person I’m intrigued but also wonder how this affects you in both negative and positive ways.

  3. Great choices as always! I had to comment on the capsule wardrobe/experiment of the same outfit to work post, though. Adults (especially men) may not notice others’ clothing, but the high school kids I taught definitely did! They are generally pretty appearance-focused anyway. But that doesn’t mean we need to cave in to the pressure to wear a creative wardrobe or look a certain way, no matter what our line of work.

    1. Maybe because they notice it would be even more important to do it in front of them then!

  4. Hi Angela, your clothes buying ban makes perfect sense! My family happen to have this habit of buying clothes only to replace really worn out clothing. My hubby has office wear that revolves around several evergreen items – one pair of black pants looks like another, anyway. He also wears shirts that are presentable, even though the collars are frayed. This is definitely good for the pocket and minimizes our impact on our environment 🙂

    Totally agree with you about many people mistakenly thinking that others notice what they are wearing/driving/using. But WIIFM rings true, and it’s evidence of the natural focus on self by most folks.

    1. That’s awesome. I definitely had to be more intentional about it, but my husband is more like your family.

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