Welcome to another week of the Women’s Personal Finance Wednesdays roundup. I started this series after months of debate because I wasn’t certain I wanted to up the ante and commit to publishing three posts a week. However, now that I’ve started sharing these posts, I’m so glad I started.

There are so many fabulous women writing about personal finance online, and yet there is still a perception that women aren’t good with money, don’t care about money, or don’t understand it on a granular level beyond perhaps knowing how to coupon and score a good shopping deal. These roundups are my way of doing a small part to change that perception. There are no shortage of women online doing their part to make it clear that they DO understand money, and these posts are meant to amplify that fact.

The hardest part of this post every week always is narrowing it down to my favorites, because there is just so much good content out there. If you’re ever interested in what else I’m reading, I share quite a few other posts on Twitter (and that’s also where I read most of the content to begin with these days).

Our Women’s Personal Finance Facebook group also has a sharing thread on Fridays, and that’s the place to read all the blog posts written by members over the previous week. If you’re looking for more articles written by women, that’s a great place to continue reading (plus we have plenty of great discussions on finances the rest of the week as well!).

If you don’t have the time or inclination to go searching down myriad posts, though, I will be continuing this series every week to showcase some of the best of the new content I read. If you ever read a post you think I absolutely need to consider for this roundup, please let me know! I am always open to reading new blogs (and posts of blogs I do know, because I miss some).

Women’s Personal Finance Wednesdays – Week 102

1. My COVID Unemployment Story in the Decimated Arts Industry A Dime Saved by brokeGirlrich

“I even thought I had dodged COVID decimating the arts industry (because, to be clear, it absolutely has – no matter how many random digital events you see offered or the fact that Hamilton came out on Disney+ – the arts industry doesn’t really exist right now). In January, I accepted a job teaching stage and production management at a state university.

As almost every single person I’d ever worked with lost their jobs over a two weeks span in March, I was secure in my little teaching job until June.”

The arts industry right now….. ouch. It is so painful to hear these stories. As someone who was immersed in the drama scene in high school and college thanks to a long time boyfriend, I saw behind the scenes of how much of these people’s lives get poured into their work. Now, I love seeing live theater, and I sure miss it right now. And I worry what will be left once we’re finally past COVID.

Mel’s story is a tough one to read, but I love that she talks about the money part and how she could have prepared herself better. This is a personal finance roundup after all, so I thought this post was extra special because of that lens brought to this story.

2. Return of the Budget The Frugalish Physician

“It’s been five years since I started working, and for the past four I’ve abandoned the budget.  I’ve still tried to be mindful of my spending, but I’ve definitely let a lot of small and not-so-small expenditures creep back into my life.  I hadn’t been worrying about this lifestyle creep at all, because as a single physician still living in my apartment from residency (10 years and counting), it wasn’t having a huge impact on my ability to save.

And then COVID hit.”

I am definitely feeling this need to belt tighten with a lower income due to COVID. I would have gone back to 80% time (and pay), but my husband cut his hours as well to help deal with the childcare – and now homeschool – situation that has arisen. This post is hopefully the nudge I need to put together that bare bones budget I keep talking about. While we don’t have to reign in our spending *that* much, I definitely need to get a closer grip on our finances yet again.

3. How To Get Started Freelancing Online His and Her FI Post

“Freelancing online is an incredibly lucrative industry. According to Upwork, the direct impact on the economy from freelancing is close to $1 trillion. And there is room for you to take a piece of that pie. You don’t need any specific degree, all it takes is building your skills, marketing your services, and delivering great work for your clients.”

Considering that so many people are out of work or underemployed right now (ahem, see posts shared above), it felt applicable to share a post on how to begin freelancing online. Bethany has been a full time freelancer for more than a year now, which allowed her to quit her teaching job. Especially with COVID, that feels like particularly good timing, but even if she hadn’t left prior to then, her online side hustles gave her a piece of mind and stability in addition to her “day job.” If you’re looking to work for yourself full time or just to supplement as side income, this post is a great place to get started.

I hope you enjoy the posts this week as much as I did. I read a ton of content and it was hard to narrow down my favorites. I’m looking forward to sharing some new ones with you again next week!

As always, if you’re looking for a categorized list of self identified women writing and speaking about personal finance, here is my comprehensive guide to the Women of the Financial Independence Community.

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2 thoughts on “Women’s Personal Finance Wednesdays: Week 102 Roundup

    1. Getting paid less to do the same hours (or more) is definitely something you’re allowed to complain about!

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